Frequently Asked Questions regarding Accessibility Services

What Is Accessibility Services?

Accessibility Services advocates for and facilitates equal access to educational opportunities for students with qualified disabilities or conditions. We partner with you to reduce barriers in the academic setting and coordinate academic accommodations to ensure access.

What Is “a Qualified Disability?”

A qualified disability is “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities.” Disabilities include physical and mental impairments, which may include but are not limited to vision, hearing, mobility, learning systemic, psychiatric, and brain injury. Specific medical conditions may qualify under this definition for the purpose of receiving academic accommodations.

How Would I Know If I Have a Qualified Disability?

A qualified disability is one that has been documented by a trained and/or licensed professional. If you think that you might have a qualified disability, please contact Accessibility Services. Referrals can be made to appropriate professionals to assess for disabilities.

What Is the Purpose of Documentation?

Documentation is used for the purpose of determining reasonable accommodations; it must establish the disability and provide adequate information on the limitations resulting from the disability so that effective accommodations can be identified.

How Do I arrange for Reasonable Accommodations?

Contact Accessibility Services. The determination of accommodations is an interactive and on-going process. The designated Accessibility Coordinator will guide you through the process and help you coordinate accommodations with your professors. The University will make every effort to incorporate your suggestions when considering an appropriate accommodation, but the University may not necessarily implement the first-choice accommodation.

What If I Have a Physical Disability and My Class Is Scheduled on the Floor of a Building Without an Elevator?

Certain buildings on campus are not currently ADA compliant, but the University is committed to making education accessible to all students. Therefore, if you have a documented physical disability or condition that hinders you from navigating stairs, contact Accessibility Services. You may be asked to provide a doctor’s note explaining your condition. Classroom changes for accessibility issues are processed through Accessibility Services.

Where Is the Accessibility Services Office?

The Accessibility Services office is located in the Pomajevich Hall (1090 Alder St., Eugene, OR 97401). Please check in at the front desk.

How Do I Contact Accessibility Services?

You can call 541-684-7282 and request to speak with the accessibility coordinator, or you can send an e-mail.