Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry is designed to provide an environment of spiritual formation where students can grow in their relationship with Christ through participation in chapel, programming, small group ministry, and serving others.
Bushnell seeks to encourage students’ spiritual lives in authentic community through chapel, Embrace The Community Day, mission trips, service projects, small groups, pastoral care, and other campus ministry events.

Bushnell CHAPEL
Chapel provides a place for students, faculty and staff to come together and connect with God, build community, enable worship, educate vocationally, and foster spiritual formation.
Chapel is not intended to replace church, and students are encouraged to find a local church where they can worship and engage in fellowship each week. Chapel is simply another opportunity to build relationship with Christ.
At Bushnell University, Small Groups offer students a community of faith, where they can connect, grow, and support one another in their spiritual journeys. Led by fellow students, faculty, or staff, these groups delve into focused areas of study each semester, fostering a Christ-centered community dedicated to prayer, study, and obedience to God’s teachings.
What are Small Groups?
It is a place for students to come together and experience a life-changing community of faith. Life Groups give opportunities for students to know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, celebrate and be celebrated in one body that is directed toward growing in Christ in order to glorify Him in our daily lives. Groups are led by fellow students, faculty, or staff members and provide an area of focus or study for a semester or full academic year. Groups are formed at the beginning of each semester and if you are interested in starting or joining a Small Group please contact Matt Geronimo.
Why Be Part of a Small Group?
Here at Bushnell University, we are committed to a Christ-centered community. There are numerous opportunities on campus to learn, laugh, cry, serve and worship, but to experience transformational spiritual growth we all need to find a community of our own that is dedicated to following Jesus’ example of prayer, study, and obedience to God.
Life groups in the past have studied: Books of the Bible (Romans), Life topics (Relationship), Themes (Missions) and Spiritual Practices (Prayer).

Bushnell provides a number of opportunities to serve in the name of Jesus, often partnering alongside local ministries and not-for-profits. Through annual events such as Embrace the Community Day and smaller projects throughout the year, Bushnell University students become aware of needs in our community and have an opportunity to love our neighbors.
Embrace the Community Day
Embrace the Community Day (ETC Day) is the one event where we can, as one unified group, serve our local community. As Beacons, we intentionally look for ways to shine the light of Christ and serve our neighbors.
Each fall, Bushnell cancels classes one afternoon to allow students and staff the opportunity to volunteer at about twenty different organizations in the local community. After the event, we gather in the chapel and share stories of what we did and how God impacted us and those whom we served.
In the spring, we provide our students with the opportunity to serve and lovingly interact with the local individuals who are in need. Students, faculty, and staff partner up with local organizations for a day of service. In the past, we have focused on meeting the needs of the unhoused in our community.
Community Service Club
The Community Service Club is a student led group that meets weekly and coordinates on-going service projects throughout the year.

Mission TRIPS
Cross-cultural service trips and overseas missions allow students to experience and expand their vision of what God is doing and how we can serve around the world.
These opportunities to serve are a chance to strengthen one’s faith, show compassion, go beyond one’s comfort zone, be exposed to the injustice, and inspire individuals to participate in the work of the kingdom. Past mission trips locations have included San Francisco, Houston, Medford, Puerto Rico, Kenya, Cambodia, and Mexico.

Pastoral CARE
Campus Ministry staff are available whenever a student needs a safe place for prayer, guidance, support, encouragement, mentoring, and nurturing in the Christian faith. Appointments can be made through the Office of Student Life, 541-684-7345.

We encourage students to find and build a relationship with a local church. Our annual Church Fair, held each Fall, is designed to provide students with the opportunity to meet with representatives from a number of local congregations to find out more about their church communities.

Rev. Troy Dean, M.A.
Campus Pastor