Student Handbook
Bushnell University, with a foundation in the Christian faith, is committed to holistic student development in the context of our vision, mission, and core themes. We have established policies and community guidelines that will foster a living-learning environment consistent with our values.
Nearly everyone must adapt his or her lifestyle to some degree in consideration of other individuals or groups. We believe all students have the right at all times to study, sleep and live in an atmosphere of mutual respect. It is, therefore, important to understand what is expected of you while a member of the Bushnell University community. Standards were designed to allow for the freedom and flexibility of the individual and to ensure the rights and privileges of the community as a whole. You may not agree with, or fully understand, some facets of the University’s behavioral expectations.
However, by enrolling as a student at Bushnell University, you agree to live according to the expectations outlined here. Non-matriculated students admitted to special programs are also expected to maintain these standards. Any questions regarding these statements should be directed to the Director of Residence Life and Student Services.

Do You Need HELP?
If you have been the victim of abuse or assault we encourage you to seek support and ask for help. Please file out a report and contact our counseling center. You can also review your legal options on our Title IX policies page.
Do You Need HELP?
If you have been the victim of abuse or assault we encourage you to seek support and ask for help. Please file out a report and contact our counseling center. You can also review your legal options on our Title IX policies page.
Student Complaint Policy
At Bushnell University, our Student Complaint Policy prioritizes quality education and equitable policy application. We encourage open communication for prompt issue resolution through collaboration with instructors, program directors, and administrators.
Informal Complaint Procedures
It is the wish of the University to provide an education and services of high quality to its students and to provide equity and harmony in the application of policies and procedures. When a student has a complaint, the University would encourage resolution be sought through informal communication with the appropriate instructor, academic program director/dean, staff member, or administrative officer who may be able to help rectify or clarify the situation before a written complaint is initiated.
Formal Complaint Procedures
This Complaint Policy does not supersede specific policies involving special cases such as grade appeals, sexual harassment, appeal and due process, etc. that are further defined in the Student Handbook, Catalog, or elsewhere.
Lodging a Formal Student Complaint:Â A student who wishes to lodge a formal complaint with the University must complete and submit the formal complaint form. The form is available on MyBushnell and the public website.
Formal Complaint Form
Administrative Complaint Acknowledgement
Formal student complaints will be forwarded to the administrator most immediately responsible for the area to which the complaint pertains. The administrator will send a written acknowledgment to the student within five working days of receiving the complaint indicating that: (1) the formal complaint form has been received, (2) the nature of the complaint, and (3) that the student will receive a written response after deliberation. Copies of the written student complaint and the acknowledgement letter will be sent to the Director, Dean, or Vice President supervising that area.
Administrative Deliberation and Response
If the administrator to whom the complaint is forwarded determines that the nature of the complaint is beyond his/her area of supervision or expertise, the next level administrator in the area should be consulted and may be requested to respond to the student. Administrative disposition of the complaint will generally consist of investigation into the source of the complaint, previous efforts to resolve the issue, and any contingencies that will aid in the deliberation and disposition of the problem. The responding administrator will send to the student a written statement of attempted resolution to the problem. A copy of the deliberation response will be sent to the Office of the President where a log will be kept.
Student Appeal Process:Â Upon receiving a deliberation response to the written complaint, the student has the right of appeal to successive levels of administrators within the area. This appeal must be made in writing within five working days of receiving the Administrative response. In each case, the student will receive an acknowledgement of the appeal within five working days upon receipt of the complaint and a deliberation response after the investigation and deliberation has concluded.
Administrative Levels for Student Complaints
The appropriate office for student complaints will be as follows:
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Deans/Program Directors (academic, accreditation, institutional assessment, library, academic departments and programs, academic services)
Vice President for Advancement (alumni, parent relations, fundraising, public relations)
Vice President for Enrollment (admissions and marketing)
Vice President for Student Development (financial aid, athletics, campus ministry, residence life, student programs, student organizations, campus dining, security)
Vice President for Finance & Administration and Chief Financial Officer (finance, maintenance/plant services, human resources, student accounts, information technology)
Policies and standards of conduct shall apply to conduct that occurs on University premises, at University-sponsored activities, and off-campus when a student’s conduct could adversely affect the University community and/or the pursuit of its objectives. Each student shall be responsible for his or her conduct from the time of application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree, even though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes end, as well as during the academic year and between the terms of actual enrollment (and even if their conduct is not discovered until after a degree is awarded).
Bushnell University reserves the right to interpret policy and to apply the intent of the policy judiciously, depending upon circumstances and retains the right to instate additional policies and regulations or to modify existing ones as needs may dictate. The overall intent of behavior expectations is to consistently provide a positive living-learning environment for all students. Behavior that detracts and becomes a barrier to the living-learning community is not acceptable.
Failure to abide by the policies and procedures as outlined in the Student Handbook may result in disciplinary action and sanctions. Each student associated with Bushnell University is expected to be familiar with and to follow all policies and procedures established by the University.