Teacher Education


Becoming a teacher is a wonderful way to use the gifts that God has given you to inspire young people in life-changing ways. As you study education at Bushnell University, you will gain the knowledge, skills, and disposition needed to be confident and well-prepared for a career in the teaching profession.

We train our students to be innovative thinkers and provide them with the tools and resources necessary for taking a concept from an idea to a realization. We offer a high-quality learning experience through practical and hands-on coursework that equips students for their chosen vocation.

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Why Choose Teacher Education at Bushnell?

Bushnell University’s teacher education program intentionally pairs student field experiences with classroom learning to ensure you’re prepared to connect theoretical knowledge with hands-on, real-world experiences. The impact of a teacher extends far beyond the classroom as they are facilitators of discovery who help children learn more about themselves and the world around them.

Students will get real-world hands-on experience, completing 1000-plus hours of field experience and learn from caring faculty with experience in a K-12 school setting – allowing practical application in your courses and gaining a strong understanding of what is expected of teachers and students for state standards and benchmarks.

Educational Programs


Teaching Endorsements

  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Basic Mathematics
  • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
  • Health
  • Integrated Science
  • Language Arts
  • Multiple Subject Elementary
  • Physical Education
  • Spanish
  • Special Education
  • Social Studies


Program Requirements

Prerequisites for Teacher Education Major
EDUC 110 Foundations of Education
EDUC 210 School Diversity
EDUC 230 Technology for Teaching and Learning

Prerequisites for Elementary Concentration
MATH 211 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
MATH 212 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
Prerequisites for Secondary Concentration
MATH 105 Introduction to College Mathematics or higher (unless earning a math

Major Requirements
General Requirements for Education Major
EDUC 313 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
EDUC 321 Classroom Relations & Management
EDUC 325 ELE First Year Experience
EDUC 380 School Law
EDUC 415 Faith Integration in Teaching Seminar
EDUC 435 Minor Field Experience
EDUC 437A EdTPA Support Seminar
EDUC 437B EdTPA Support Seminar
EDUC 495 Major Field Experience
EDUC 496 Student Teaching
Choose one of the required concentrations:

Elementary Concentration
EDUC 330 Child Development
EDUC 340 Elementary Literacy Methods & Children’s Literature
EDUC 350 Elementary Math & Science Methods
EDUC 420 Diversified Methods

Secondary Concentration
(Required in addition to content endorsement classes)
EDUC 360 Literacy Methods for All Content Areas
EDUC 370 Adolescent Learners
Choose three credits from the following:
EDUC 324 Secondary Health Methods
EDUC 362 Secondary Language Arts Methods
EDUC 366 Secondary Science Methods
EDUC 367 Secondary Math Methods
EDUC 368 Secondary Social Studies Methods
PHED 429 PE Methods for All Grades
SPAN 470 Teaching World Language Methods

Program Requirements

All teacher education majors must apply to the School of Education. Please ensure that you have met the following requirements before applying to the School of Education:

  • Admission to Bushnell University
  • Completion of approximately 60 semester credits

Program Objectives

Standard 1:
[a] Learner Development: The teacher understands how learners grow and develop,
recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the
cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements
developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
[b] Learning Differences: The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and
diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each
learner to meet high standards.
[c] Learning Environments: The teacher works with others to create environments that
support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Standard 2:
[a] Content Knowledge: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and
structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make
these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the
[b] Application of Content: The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use
differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem
solving related to authentic local and global issues.

Standard 3:
[a] Assessment: The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to
engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and
learner’s decision making.
[b] Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in
meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross
disciplinary skills and pedagogy, as well as learners and the community context.
[c] Instructional Strategies: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional
strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their
connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways

Standard 4:
[a] Professional Learning and Ethical Practice: The teacher engages in ongoing professional
learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his or her practice, particularly the effects of
his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community),
and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.
[b] Leadership and Collaboration: The teacher demonstrates leadership by taking
responsibility for student learning and by collaborating with learners, families, colleagues, other
school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth and development,
learning, and well-being

Want to Become a Teacher?

Click to view what path is best for you on becoming a teacher.

Beacon Points of Pride

Life After Graduation

Our graduates serve in dozens of PK-12 districts across the western U.S. with many landing jobs locally, in Lane County. Many of our alumni are serving at schools in Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona, and Idaho.

Additionally, here are some graduate programs that our former students are currently enrolled at:

  • Bushnell University
  • Western Oregon
  • George Fox
  • UO
  • OSU
  • Stanford
  • USC

Student Teaching

The majority of Bushnell students complete their student teaching within 30 miles of campus. If you don’t see the school or district on this list that you are interested in, let us know and we’d be happy to connect with you.

  •       Springfield School District
  •       Eugene 4j School District
  •       Junction City School District
  •       Creswell School District
  •       Corvallis School District
  •       West-Linn-Wilsonville School District
  •       Pleasant Hill School District
  •       St. Paul Catholic School
  •       O’Hara Catholic School
  •       Eugene Christian School
  •       Bethel School District
  •       Harrisburg School District
  •       Salem-Keizer School District
  •       South Lane School District
  •       North Santiam School District
  •       Lake Oswego School District
  •       Willamette Christian School


The School of Education at Bushnell University is nationally accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) and regionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). Additionally, the university’s teaching licensure programs are approved by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC). To learn more, visit our Accreditation page.

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Life at Bushnell

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Hear From Our Students

"The teacher education program allowed me to transition seamlessly into the classroom due to it’s focus on practical experience. I learned so much from my professors, mentors, and supervising teachers and able to apply lessons from the classroom to practice in real time as I discovered my own teaching style and the best ways to connect with each student. This allowed me to step into the classroom with a depth of experience that allowed me to start my career on a strong foot - eventually leading to a pathway out of the classroom into leadership in just a couple of years."  
-Kathryn Peterson '14
"I chose the Teacher Education degree at Bushnell because of its small community and the positive professor to student relationships. This program offers a variety of amazing internship opportunities. As well as the major course classes transforming me to become the best educator I can personally be.” 
-Sierra Janikowski '23
"Getting my degree at Bushnell was the launchpad for getting into teaching and gave me a foundation of people who have continued to support me in more than just teaching. I look at the ways God used professors in the Ed Program during my time at Bushnell, and I know that myself and those professors would all agree that God uses all peaks and valleys for good. Nothing is wasted! I truly cherish my time at Bushnell, growing pains and all."
-Jordan Buhler 14'

Meet the Faculty

   Susan F. Inman, Ed.D.
Field Placement Coordinator

“At Bushnell University, we believe the best way to learn how to teach is by doing it. Our program combines classroom learning with over 1,000 hours of real-world field experience. You won’t just hear about teaching methods—you’ll practice them with guidance from experienced faculty who’ve been in K-12 classrooms themselves.

By the time you graduate, you’ll not only understand what’s expected of teachers, but you’ll also feel confident in your ability to help students succeed.”

The School of Education Faculty

Jenee Cazares, M.A.    Allyssa Goertzen, M.A.    Brian Kaelin, Ed.D.    Cindy Nees, M.Ed.     Suzanne Price, M.Ed.    Ray Ricks, M.Ed.