Background Check Verification Process for TSPC Licensure Programs

NEW! Background clearances are now a part of the School of Education application process!

Step 1: The applicant creates an account on the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission’s (TSPC) eLicensing system beginning with the tutorial and directions at

Step 2: The applicant submits an application and payment through the eLicensing ( system on the TSPC website for background clearance.

Step 3:  Important Notice: the applicant will receive an email from TSPC, which contains codes and instructions the applicant needs to proceed, within 5-7 days. TSPC emails instructions to the applicant for accessing Fieldprint. The email will consist of the following required information specific to the applicant: Fieldprint Agency Code, Billing Code, ORI, and OCA (TSPC account ID)

Step 4: After TSPC emails the required codes to the applicant: The applicant schedules a fingerprinting appointment through the Fieldprint website and pays the required fee.

Step 5: After the fingerprinting process is complete, Fieldprint sends an image of the prints to the Oregon State Police (OSP) for processing through both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and OSP databases.

Step 6: OSP forwards the results electronically to TSPC. This process is taking approximately two weeks, with some clearing faster and some taking longer.

Step 7: TSPC records the results as part of the application process. It is the applicant’s responsibility to monitor their record to determine with the background check results are complete.

Step 8: Background check results are available on the TSPC Public Search website after approximately two weeks. After the applicant’s background check has cleared the date of clearance is displayed. You will need to make a PDF copy of the clearance screen to upload. TSPC will not send any notification that clearances have posted so be sure to check back!

Step 9: Email the pdf proof of your clearance to Susan Inman; Clearances must be emailed PRIOR to entering schools for field experiences!